Advanced course in Governance of Natural Resources Posted by UCB Categories Announcement Date 13/02/2024 This short course will give insight into the governance of natural resources, drawing on different disciplines and theoretical approaches such as political ecology, global value chains, and gender. We will discuss the governance of renewable and non-renewable resources such as water, forests and minerals in a globalized world, the associated governance problems (e.g. tragedy of the commons, resource curse, conflict minerals), and the different forms of solutions to these problems that are proposed at the local, national and global level. Theories and concepts will be illustrated with case study material from the DR Congo and other African countries. After 26 April students will engage in an action research on a related topic. View course content and schedule Tag:cegemi, course, resource UCB Previous post Master complémentaire en Communication stratégique des organisations et en Gestion des ressources humaines et relations professionnelles 13/02/2024 Next post Conception de la recherche en Sciences Sociales 13/02/2024