Pope Francis in DR Congo: UCB speaks on behalf of catholic universities

A delegation composed of AGANZE MUSAFIRI Arnold, BAHARANYI BUSIME Guilaine and BIRUMBA NYEGEZI Daniel, three students and members of the Catholic community of Université Catholique de Bukavu met Pope Francis during his meeting with Congolese youth at the Nunciature on February 2, 2023.
BUSIME BARAHANYI Guilaine, a student in the first year of her degree in the Department of Environmental Sciences, spoke on behalf of the youth of catholic universities of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
On this occasion, the Congolese youth, through their peer from Université Catholique de Bukavu, asked the Holy Father to raise their voices so that special attention be given to the humanitarian chaos through which the East of the DR Congo is passing. They also raised the issue of human rights
violations that plague the population throughout the country. The students praised Pope Francis message of hope by committing themselves to the cause of peace and reconciliation. They concluded their remarks by pleading for the restoration of peace while denouncing the silence of the international community.
During his speech, Pope Francis called on young people to transform society. His Holiness emphasized the restoration of peace by asking the students to wear the hat of peacemakers in their respective communities.
Serving the community is one of the three missions of the Catholic University of Bukavu that our students take to heart throughout their studies.
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