UCB has a new Rector Posted by UCB Categories News Date 27/06/2023 Professor BISIMWA BALALUKA Ghislain was invested as Rector by the Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Bukavu, representing the Grand Chancellor of the Catholic University of Bukavu, Abbé Delphin BUKUNGUTA, during the investiture ceremony held this Saturday, June 24, 2023 at Bugabo Campus. Rector BISIMWA BALALUKA Ghislain replaces Professor KANIGULA MUBAGWA, who worked with devotion for four years as Rector. Rector BISIMWA BALALUKA Ghislain was elected by the UCB University Council on April 28, 2023. He brings a wealth of experience in management and research-teaching. In his speech, the Chancellor paid a warm tribute to the outgoing Rector for his many achievements during his four years at the head of UCB. At the same time, he congratulated the new Rector on his investiture as Rector, inviting him to continue the good work undertaken by his predecessor for the glowing UCB above the lakes and mountains. The Vice-Rector of UCB, Professor Aimé Heri-Kazi BISIMWA, while wishing the new Rector a fruitful term, praised the outgoing Rector, Professor KANIGULA MUBAGWA, for his contribution to the reputation of UCB through his dedication. Rector BISIMWA BALALUKA Ghislain, a professor at the Faculty of Medicine and a medical doctor by training, is a specialist in Nutrition and Health Systems. UCB wishes him a successful term of office. Super Lacus Ac Montes Splendens In quest for Excellence, serving the Community! Tag:administration, rector UCB Previous post Election of the new Rector of the Catholic University of Bukavu 27/06/2023 Next post COMMISSION CHARGEE DE L'AUDIT ADMINISTRATIF ET FINANCIER 06/07/2023