Research Centre in Human Rights and Humanitarian International Law (CERDHO ) CERDHO is a research center which is specialized in Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law. It is part of the Faculty of Law of the Catholic University of Bukavu. It participates in all projects whose general objective is to highlight the legal development in the Democratic Republic of Congo on the national and international legal level. This center trains highly qualified academic staff in the fields which are close of human rights and situations of armed conflicts in Africa. Currently, CERDHO organizes Masters in Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law, and is recognized as the only institution in the East part of the country which organizes this training. CERDHO has also established partnership with some European universities such as Université Catholique de Louvain with which is organizing PhD studies in Journalism and Law. Some of the fruits of this collaboration are published by the blog on North-South Dialog on Human Rights For more information, visit Our Research CentersCEGEC CEGEMI CERDHO LEAD CTDGH