Bukavu Journal of Economics and Social Sciences: Call for contributions 2020 Posted by UCB Categories Announcement Date 11/02/2020 Comments 0 comment BJESS is a journal of the Faculty of Economics and Management at the « Université Catholique de Bukavu » (UCB). It aims to produce knowledge in economics, management and in other related disciplines such as Law, Sociology, Anthropology, Development,… BJESS is edited annually at UCB. Each edition is managed by a very specialized scientific committee which is composed of professors from UCB, Université Catholique de Louvain, University of Antwerp, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Marlyand University, etc. These professors strongly contribute to the revision of papers and ensure that all submitted papers respect international academic standards. BJESS edition distinguishes itself by a series of high quality scientific texts in English and French. It encourages papers with practical public policy or management implications to enable scientific research to contribute to the progress and the development of regions and countries. BJESS therefore favors papers that contribute to solving certain problems related to real life of the population of Bukavu, in the Democratic Republic of Congo and in the African Great Lakes countries. Papers to be submitted should be characterized by a strong knowledge of the literature and a rigorous logic. Various methodologies can be mobilized to produce knowledge to be published in BJESS. These include mathematical and statistical models as well as qualitative approaches (case studies, narration …) when their results consist of suggesting new concepts and building strong verifiable hypotheses. Although the journal accepts purely theoretical articles, empirical contributions are strongly encouraged as they may have more relevant implications for management and public policy. We are launching the call for contributions for BJESS for 2020. Abstracts of 150 to 300 words (in French and / or English) will be sent to menemene.mugoli@ucbukavu.ac.cd with a copy to kilosho.buraye@ucbukavu.ac.cd by April 10, 2020. The abstracts should briefly outline theoretical foundation, methodological approach and key points of the complete paper to be submitted later. It also gives relevance of its practical implications in terms of public policy or management in the context of Sud-Kivu, DRC or the Great Lakes region. The Editorial Board will provide feedback on each proposal by April 30, 2020. Complete papers for which abstracts will have been selected will be sent to the same address not later than August 30, 2020. Each complete paper which will have been submitted will be evaluated by publishers and two external peers. The final version of the selected contribution has to be ready and in accordance with the drafting instructions by November 15, 2020. Whether the text is in French or in English, its abstract must be presented in these two languages. The BJESS edition for 2020 will be published in the first half of 2021. For the French version of the call, please click here. UCB Previous post Economik Journal: Opening by the Rector of the first issue of the year 2020 11/02/2020 Next post Ambassador Johan Indekeu to UCB students: Become a new Elite for the development of DR Congo. 18/02/2020