Welcome to the Faculty of Social Sciences. The Faculty of Social Sciences was launched in 2015-2016 academic year. Its creation was motivated by social and structural changes in Kivu due to the multiplication of local, national and international organizations, institutions and enterprises in which the need for human resources arises. In order to regulate issues related to human resource management as well as their visibility in terms of communication, preparing professional scientists equipped with appropriate tools to support the development of the community, was essential. As a post-conflict region, it is important to educate human scientists who can participate in community resilience through conflict management and prevention. We operate primarily at Karhale Campus and offer you the best training in the region for a successful professional career. Welcome to the Website of the Faculty of Social Sciences Prof. KAKULE KINOMBE Charles, Dean of Faculty ad interim Departments and list of units Labor Sciences Enterprise Communication Mediation and Conflicts Management Personnel Dean: Prof. KAKULE KINOMBE Charles Educational supervisor: AMISI Alfred Administrative secretary: Didier Kalama Bikungu Other members: Prof Dr. KADUNDU KARHAMIKIRE Prof Dr. BULAMBO LUNANGA Pierre Pro Dr. ZIHALIRWA CIRIMBAGA Albert Mr. MUPENGE-WA-TONGA Justin Mr. FLORENT KAMALEBO As. SHERIA NFUNDIKO Justin As. MANGO KUBOTA Alliance Material resources A “marconi” radio-TV project is under way for the practice of students in Enterprise Communication. Candidate profile The School of Social Sciences receives mainly students from Social Studies high and any other candidate holding a Certificate of Secondary Education. Professional benefits Students who have graduated from Social Sciences are generally employed by private companies, public services, employers’ professional associations and non-profit organizations. The quality of jobs held is positively influenced by the qualities of each student (the nature of the previous students, the professional experience, the contacts established during or after campus with environments likely to employ the graduate, the knowledge of languages, etc. . .). Their tasks are related to one of the units taught: In labor Science: the graduate is prepared for personnel management in private or public enterprises, management of social services, jobs in public administrations… They are needed for various functions within NGOs, international organizations, international unions as well as in the associative sector (service of the personnel, insertion, training…) In Enterprise Communication: degree holders in Enterprise Communication perform a variety of activities and are found in many professional sectors. They are usually communication specialists who can operate with private or public organizations, communication and public relations managers, development agents, internal and external speakers, journalists, teachers… In mediation and Conflicts Management: why mediation? Even positive change and even legitimate conflict lead to difficulties of misunderstanding, often self-deception to ourselves, to others and to our relationship. I can no longer get along with him! When the direct dialogue is both necessary and difficult, the assistance of an independent, neutral, confidential and trained third party gets up valuable. Indeed, studies in this sector constitute a general education. They empower students with theoretical perspectives on conflicts, develop skills and competences in the diverse techniques of conflict resolution, which allows them to occupy the following positions: study and project manager, coordinator of the humanitarian action, logistician, mediator, diplomatic council, consultant… Website of the FacultyWelcome to the Website of the Faculty of Social Sciences