Jean-Jacques Tamfum MUYEMBE Posted by UCB Categories Honoris Causa, Uncategorized Date 04/03/2020 Comments 0 comment Born in Bandundu, DR Congo in 1942, he studied Medicine at Lovanium University where he obtained his Medical Doctor degree in 1962. He then trained for a PhD in virology at the University of Leuven in Belgium. Upon his return to DR Congo he was appointed as Professor and Head of the Department of Microbiology at the Faculty of Medicine of the National University of Zaire and in 1978 he became Dean of the Faculty. He currently serves as the Director of the ‘‘Institut National de Recherches Biomédicale, INRB’’ (National Institute of Biomedical Research) of DR Congo. His best known research work and Public Health action have focused on various epidemics: cholera, but mainly hemorrhagic fevers (starting from the Yambuku epidemics in 1976). He has contributed to the discovery of the Ebola virus by Peter PIOT and more recently, he has highly contributed to the discovery of the current most effective treatment for the Ebola virus. He has received numerous awards and merits, including: – Christophe Mérieux Award (2015) – Royal Society Afrique Award (2015) – Doctor honoris causa from the University of Antwerp, Belgium (2019) By awarding the title of Doctor honoris causa to Professor JJ. T. MUYEMBE, UCB honored his status as one of the best scientists in the biomedical sciences domain in Africa, and in DR Congo in particular. Professor MUYEMBE has contributed to the global visibility of DR Congo in the field of Science. UCB Previous post René FIASSE 04/03/2020 Next post Tharcisse TSHIBANGU TSHISHIKU 04/03/2020