Architecture and Urbanization We welcome you to the Faculty Polytechnics. The Faculty opened its doors at the Catholic University of Bukavu at the opening of the 2017-2018 academic year with a first year of preparatory studies. The region is in need of well-trained architects and urban planners; and therefore the skills needed to rethink, reconfigure and reorganize urban environments and current architectural models based on local history and culture, challenged by globalization. These skills should promote, as much as possible, the use of local building materials, an adapted typology taking into account the specific environmental conditions for eco-construction and sustainable urban development. The new Faculty of Architecture and Urbanization at the Catholic University of Bukavu is well-timed because it provides an appropriate setting for casting all the necessary skills of an architect or planner in a curriculum both global and local. The Faculty will thus serve as a research structure on architectural and urbanistic issues but also as an impetus for a regulation in architecture and urban planning in the cities of the region. This being part of the mission of the Catholic University of Bukavu to train, influence change and suggest new solutions to society to better shine over lakes and mountains (as stated in its motto ). An adapted teaching for solutions to be proposed to the community requires a great ingenuousness and an intense collaboration. The contribution and expertise of all the current and future partners, whether local, regional or international, are therefore highly desired and encouraged by the new Faculty. From now on, join us and contribute to the reconstruction of our surroundings according to modern standards. Prof. Dr. Mac Mugumaoderha Cubaka, Dean of Faculty. Skill-based grouping of courses (French) Postes d’emplois Promotion Volume horaire théorique Volume horaire pratique Volume horaire total UAE 1- Projets d’architecture- Arts et techniques de représentation Croquis (Art plastique: maquettes) PREPA 0 30 30 Dessin Technique – PREPA 15 45 60 Initiation à l’étude du projet d’architecture S1 A1 30 75 105 Initiation à l’étude du projet d’architecture S2 A1 15 105 120 Croquis A1 0 45 45 Perspective A1 15 30 45 Géométrie cotée A1 0 30 30 Croquis et étude des maquettes A2 15 45 60 Etude de Projet d’Architecture S1 A2 30 75 105 Etude de Projet d’Architecture S2 A2 30 105 135 Théorie de la composition d’architecture A2 30 15 45 Design architectural et Expression Mixed media A2 15 30 45 Etude approfondie de projet d’architecture A3 45 180 225 Design architectural et Expression Mixed media A3 15 30 45 Théorie d’architecture A3 30 0 30 Esquisse rapide A3 0 30 30 Mémoires (nombre) 0 TFC (57) A3 0 1710 1710 Séminaires (4) A2&A3 0 45 45 Atelier (Atelier) Toutes Total de l’UAE 1 285 2625 2910 UAE 2- Sciences et techniques appliquées Algèbre PREPA 45 30 75 Analyse Mathématique PREPA 45 30 75 Arithmétique PREPA 45 15 60 Calcul numérique et Informatique PREPA 45 30 75 Trigonométrie (Linéaire et sphérique) PREPA 45 30 75 Géométrie Analytique PREPA 30 30 60 Géométrie Descriptive PREPA 30 30 60 Physique (mécanique, électrostatique, courant continu) PREPA 60 30 90 Chimie Générale PREPA 45 15 60 Construction I-S2 A1 15 15 30 Mathématique – Informatique (programmation) A1 45 30 75 Physique (Capillarité, Thermique, Acoustique, Magnétisme et courant alternatif, Ondes électromagnétique) A1 45 15 60 Stabilité (Statique appliquée) A1 30 30 60 Chimie (mélanges organiques et inorganiques) A1 30 0 30 Technologie des Matériaux A1 30 15 45 Construction II A2 30 30 60 Stabilité (RDM) et structures architecturales A2 60 30 90 Technologie des matériaux de Construction A2 30 0 30 Eléments d’environnement A2 0 0 0 Equipement (Eaux et électricité-éclairage) A2 30 30 60 Topographie – A2 15 45 60 Géologie A2 30 0 30 Béton armé (dimensionnement) A3 30 30 60 Les matériaux de construction A3 30 15 45 Visites de terrain (Géologie, matériaux, topographie) A2 0 TP de Laboratoire (Physique, Chimie) A1&A2 0 Total de l’UAE 2 840 525 1365 UAE 3- Culture générale et Compétences transversales Français PREPA 30 15 45 Informatique générale PREPA 15 30 45 Anglais PREPA 30 15 45 Hygiène & VIH/SIDA PREPA 30 0 30 Anglais A1 15 30 45 Education à la citoyenneté A1 30 0 30 Histoire de l’Art A1 30 15 45 Religions et Traditions Africaines A1 30 0 30 Logique (+EOE Française) A1 15 30 45 Notions de Dessin Assisté par Ordinateur (AUTOCAD) A1 0 30 30 Anglais A2 15 30 45 Histoire de l’Architecture A2 45 15 60 Informatique (Revit, DAO 3D) A2 0 45 45 Initiation à la recherche scientifique A2 30 15 45 Sociologie urbaine et Habitat A2 30 0 30 Arts associés et Esthétique A3 30 0 30 Technique professionnelle A3 30 0 30 Urbanisme et environnement A3 30 30 60 Anglais A3 0 30 30 Ethique et déontologie A3 30 0 30 Informatique (outils de gestion) A3 0 45 45 Stage (un mois 40-45h/semaine) 10% A3 0 180 180 TP DAO (groupes) Toutes 0 Total de l’UAE 3 465 555 1020 Human resources Name Corresponding Unit Specialization GSM E-mail Mac Mugumaoderha Cubaka Unit 12 Materials Sciences, Nanotechnology, Renewable Energies and Appropriate Technologies +243841208111 / 0032484976017 Chrispin Zigabe Muhirwa Educational Supervisor , Unit 13 Civil engineering / Construction +243991760057 / +243898176268 / Pacifique Koshikwinja Matabishi Unit 14 Electromechanics, Renewable Energies and Appropriate Technologies. +243996769170 Dieudonné MUKEBO WA KABULO Unit 4 Architect +243829672000 / +243992657820 / Jean-Claude KATANGA LABILA Unit 5 Architect +243811487643 / +243900705440 / Espoir KANENE ANDRE Unit 6 Architect +243995973332 / +243896073393 Yves CITO SAMBO Unit 8 Architect +243821247998 / +243999626463 Joseph MUGISHO OMBENI Unit 9 Architect 02454274928 / +243825306066 Christian MUPILA MIKILA Unit 10 Architect +243821354746 / +243850406079 Michel KABAMBA MUNGENDI Unit 11 Architect +243812172695 Mme Bidubula Ayagirwe Administrative Secretary +243898744220 / Candidate profile Architecture has always been a fundamental area for humanity. Becoming a student in Architecture is more than just sitting for teachings, it’s a commitment. So to be a good student: The ability to serve humans in order to design living environments or public spaces for their well-being is mandatory. Orientation towards others must be complemented by the ability to see and imagine in space. Drawing, the spirit of mechanics and construction, the taste for modelling, the passion for art and culture, ingenuity and inventiveness testify useful skills. The capacity of thinking analytically, but more essentially that of composing, of structuring, of thinking synthetically, supplemented by a taste for research, is crucial. These skills will be developed throughout the learning process.The School of Architecture and Urbanization welcomes every candidate holding a Certificate of Secondary Education regardless of the course taken in high school. At first, these students are admitted in the preparatory year. Professional benefits The program prepares students for the design and construction of places and buildings and for various programs at all scales and in all contexts of occupied areas. The architect will be required to design building projects and to monitor the construction site until the end of the construction (after an internship and registration with the Society of Architects of Congo). Architects and urbanists are called upon to draft projects or contribute to the projects of the UNHabitat for a better urban future and many more and to promote or implement them personally, in a group or in a company.