Strategic Plan

In order to have long term actions and not according to the priorities of the actors, a five-year strategic plan was adopted in 2009 with twenty-six major objectives. It was designed by the university staff and it was meant to be polyvalent and effective in the research and teaching of the major domains of human knowledge.

Thanks to this plan, the University has been acknowledged at the international level and has obtained large and diversified research funds in the fields of law, medicine, management and agriculture. The training and teaching provided by the University are very attractive and its offers have been increased and diversified notably thanks to the opening of postgraduate programs, its increasingly reinforced presence in the community, its diversified collaborations, its developed quality assurance system, its quality of governance and its social service.

The 2015-2019 strategic plan also proposed the strengthening of these achievements through the introduction of new units, namely the creation of the faculty of Social Sciences and of the Institute of Peace and Reconciliation which are already operational. It has also proposed the expansion of the faculty of Medicine through the opening of the department of dentistry. Some other achievements can be mentioned like the pedagogical innovation, the reinforcement of students’ supervision, the reinforcement of the attractiveness of the University and the adoption of the Bologna system (Licence-Master-Doctorate).

As the strategic plan comes to an end, the Catholic University of Bukavu is projecting an institutional self-evaluation which will be financed by both UCB and the Agence universitaire de la Francophonie. This project will be the milestone for the establishment of a new strategic plan to keep the University in the ranks of the best institutions in the country and on the road to greatness at the African level.