Tharcisse TSHIBANGU TSHISHIKU Posted by UCB Categories Honoris Causa Date 04/03/2020 Born in Kipushi (Katanga, DR Congo) in 1933, after taking Greeks and Latin in secondary school he studied Philosophy and Theology at the Major Seminairy of Moba (former Baudouinville). He pursued his studies at Lovanium University in Kinshasa where graduated in Theology. He then conducted research at the Catholic University of Louvain, obtaining a PhD in Theology (1962) and a Habilitation in Higher Education (1965). He was ordained priest for the Archdiocese of Lubumbashi in 1959, was appointed to Vatican Council II by Pope John XXIII (1966) and appointed as Prelate by Pope Paul VI, who consecrated him as Bishop (1970) and appointed him as Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Kinshasa. He served as Rector of Lovanium University from 1967 to 1971. In 1992, Pope John-Paul II appointed him as the Archbishop of the Diocese of Mbuji-Mayi. Since 01 August 2009 he is Emeritus Archbishop of the Diocese of Mbuji-Mayi. Former Chairman of the Administration Council of Congolese Universities, he passed away on December 29, 2021 Honors: – Doctor honoris causa of the University of Human Sciences of Strasbourg in France (1977). – Vicar of the Archdiocese of Kinshasa (from 1991 to 1992). By awarding the title of Doctor honoris causa to Mgr Tharcisse TSHIBANGU, UCB honored him as the very first Congolese to server as University Rector, and also to thank him for the great role he has played and continue to play in supporting the project of creating and developing UCB. UCB Previous post Jean-Jacques Tamfum MUYEMBE 04/03/2020 Next post André VINCENT 04/03/2020